Welcome to a list of academic partners in Wyoming that offer ed2go courses approved for PTSB credit. These are professional staff development workshops, approved by PTSB for renewal requirements, content, and clock hours. PTSB review is requested by educational organizations, school districts, and the Wyoming Department of Education.

ed2go has a variety of PTSB approved online courses to choose from. This site is designed to provide you the steps to find and enroll in the course/courses of your choice and submit them for credit upon successful completion.

Get started in 5 easy steps:

Go to http://wyomingptsb.com for the current list of approved courses and information on how to submit for credit once you’ve completed the course. To go directly to the list, please click here: http://wyomingptsb.com/wp-content/uploads/misc/UpcomingWorkshops-01-03-2020.pdf. Please make sure that the course you select is on the approved list. Not all Ed2go courses have been submitted or are approved for credit.

ed2go Courses and Academic Partners Approved for PTSB Credit

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Once you find the course/courses you would like to take, click on this link and enter your zip code in Find a School https://www.ed2go.com/online-schools. There you will find a current list of Ed2go academic partners in Wyoming that offer PTSB credit. Click on the URL link to their ed2go website to search for courses.


Once you find the college and course/courses you would like to take, contact the school and confirm that they offer PTSB credit for your course/courses. Once confirmed, click on the schools ed2go hosted site, enroll and pay directly online with your credit card.


Once you have completed the course(s) and have passed the final exam, download (PDF) and print your Certificate of Completion from your online classroom. 

Please note that in order to receive full credit for a suite or series, they need to submit the suite certificate? If you only submit the individual certificates, PTSB will award credits for the individual courses, not the suite.


Contact PTSB to find out the correct process for submitting your completed courses for credit.

Professional Teaching Standards Board
1920 Thomes Ave. Suite 100, Cheyenne, WY 82002

Phone: 307-777-7291
Fax: 307-777-8718

Web: http://wyomingptsb.com

For credit related questions, please reach out to PTSB.

For course related questions, please email terry.scheidt@cengage.com.